Katie Snediker Katie Snediker

The Value of Human Interaction in 3D Printing

While automated processes and algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the field of 3D printing, human interaction remains invaluable for leveraging creativity, addressing complex challenges, and ensuring the successful integration of 3D printing technology into various industries and domains.

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Katie Snediker Katie Snediker

3D Printing is Dead, Long Live 3D Printing

Like other tech companies and startups, additive manufacturing – aka 3D printing – benefited greatly from an influx of capital in 2020-2021. Over the past two years, several 3D printing companies have gone public, raised large funding rounds, been acquired, or merged with other companies in an effort to further scale their businesses. However, the recent decline in valuations of public 3D printing companies is raising some questions about the market potential of the technology.

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