PDW Drone Housing
PDW Drone Housing
The availability of lightweight and durable 3D printing materials has been very advantageous for the aerospace industry. Generative 3D modeling also works to the benefit of engineers who are trying to get drones, planes, and rockets off the ground because it produces designs that maximize strength while minimizing material.
300 Parts
Number of parts printed
Huntsville, AL (PDW's headquarters)
US City with most PhDs per capita
2 Days
Fastest project turnaround
Maximizing strength while minimizing material.
Jett 3D became PDW's 3D production partner in 2022 when the UAV company was producing parts for a new drone model. The relationship has been solidified by our ability to produce high quality plastic and metal parts on rapid timelines. Given the nature of the work, having a trusted local manufacturing source is of the utmost importance.
Processes: FDM, SLS, MJF, DLMS
Materials: PETG, PA11, PA12 GB, Aluminum (AlSi10Mg)
Software: Solidworks, Autodesk Netfabb, Prusaslicer, HP SmartSense