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Pioneering Architectural Model Making with 3D Printing

3D Site Model in PLA of Allmannajuvet Zinc Museum
Photo Credit: Jett 3D

In today’s age of virtual reality, augmented reality and ultra-high quality rendering capabilities, the physical architectural model is still a beloved and fundamental communication tool in the architecture industry.  Physical models help convey the proportions of a building, highlight its features, provide a detailed sense of scale, and aid in analyzing spatial and material relationships. These physical models are miniature representations of the architect’s vision and help clients, residents and stakeholders visualize the proposed building.  

Models have long been made using traditional processes and materials such as paper, cardstock, chipboard, and balsa. Today, 3D printing is making it cheaper, faster and easier to produce more precise, higher quality and safer models using lightweight, durable filaments. This post examines how traditional model making compares to 3D printed architectural models.

What can 3D Printing do that other methods can’t? 

The creation of architectural models is a challenging process, and the materials used in the industry today have their advantages and disadvantages, serving unique functions aesthetically and structurally. Before undertaking your next modeling venture using traditional materials, consider how 3D printing impacts each of the following elements. 

1. Precision and Accuracy 

Most architectural practices today use a wide range of design software to produce digital 3D models in-house. These digital models can easily be 3D printed with a level of dimensional accuracy and elemental intricacy that is impossible to achieve with any other material or modeling technique. Massing models, contour models, structural models, and sectional models, to name a few, can all be developed digitally and brought to life by the power of 3D printing.  

There are many advantages to having a precise representation of the design proposal. Presenting an accurate, 3D printed model can help secure approvals for a new building by optimally communicating the intended design to governmental authorities, vendors and other stakeholders in a new development. 

2. Resources and Process Times 

Traditional architectural model making is a time-intensive process, which requires architects to invest considerable resources. As material use changes from model to model, there is a constant need for additional investment not only in acquiring the materials, but also in the specific tools for each material.  

A key advantage that a 3D printed model offers is that minimal manpower is required to create it, which frees up time and resources for other tasks in the design process. You also know exactly how long the print will take to complete and the amount of material needed, thus allowing the planning process to be reliable and well-organized. 

A reliable 3D printing company can be a valuable partner for your firm, delivering benefits across speed, cost, reliability and accuracy. 

3: Build Quality and Finish 

The most challenging aspect of model making is achieving a clean finish and producing an evenly balanced build quality. Traditional models may exhibit cuts, scratches, glue marks, rugged edges, bleeding colors, and fingerprint impressions, and may even be partially deformed during the modeling process – a 3D printed model is unlikely to exhibit these human errors. 

The use of a variety of colors, textures and materials is integral in assessing real-time material interactions and creating a visually and structurally accurate model. To achieve this, you would need to acquire multiple materials, modify them and subsequently assimilate them into a coherent assembly. A 3D printer provides a much more efficient and comprehensive solution, utilizing the vast array of 3D Printing Materials available in the market today to produce your required colors, opacities, textures, finishes and material properties. 

All 3D fused deposition modeling (FDM™) printing filament material is some kind of thermoplastic, which creates a uniform build quality and eliminates problems that arise from joining one material to another. The uniformity of the material composition allows for more efficient post-processing, and unifies how the model accepts paints, primers and other protective external layers. Compared to traditional techniques, 3D printing is clearly the most versatile model making method. 

4: Strength and Durability 

For the most part, current model making materials are not very strong or durable. This may not be much of a concern for initial concept models, but architectural models need to be able to withstand the wear and tear of transport from location to location, and some presentation models do need to be able to withstand movement and contact for long periods of time. For example, models used in realtor sales offices must be resistant to wear and tear, and must remain unaffected by repeated presentation to prospective customers. 3D printed models can be customized for degrees of material strength and durability.  

The uniform material composition of 3D printed models minimizes weak connection, reduces the chance of breakage, and is highly durable. In the event that a 3D printed model is damaged, it can be reprinted relatively quickly and at a low cost. 

Depending on model use and function, choosing the right material in your 3D print is crucial. Criteria that may factor into your material selection include UV, water, heat, impact, chemical resistance, stiffness, and ultimate strength properties. Furthermore, the 3D printer allows users to experiment with the properties of each individual material through custom infill density and resolution. The strength of materials can be adjusted easily, which is especially beneficial during environmental impact assessments that require model materials to reflect real-world material properties. 

5: Safety 

The safety of materials used in models is important both from a personal and an environmental perspective. Styrene and similar traditional model making materials have been shown to release toxic fumes during use. Other chemical compounds, such as adhesives and solvents still being used for model making today have shown short term and long term health risks ranging from skin and eye irritation, allergic reactions and respiratory issues. There is also a risk of injury from the use of sharp cutting and shaping tools. These safety risks may be exacerbated by the time-intensive and mentally taxing traditional modeling process. Most 3D printing uses non-toxic materials, is less reliant on dangerous tools, and is far less mentally exhausting. 

 Polylactic acid (PLA), the most commonly used material for 3D printing is a corn based plastic that is biodegradable and will break down under certain conditions into harmless natural compounds. Other materials currently being used for 3D printing also can be shredded, repurposed functionally, and in certain cases even reused after being extruded into new spools of filament. 3D printed materials are safer, increase building efficiency, reduce waste, and minimize any negative effects on the environment. 


While most model making materials have their advantages and disadvantages, and serve unique functions aesthetically and structurally, we believe there is a strong case for increased reliance on 3D printing. 

The decision ultimately comes down to the user’s needs. It may be hard to move away from tried and tested methods of model making, but 3D printing promises clear, cutting-edge advantages: precision and accuracy; time, resource and cost efficiency; breadth of colors, textures and materials; strength and durability; and safety and minimized environmental impact. 

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